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Fillmore Equipment Company

Company Name:
FIllmore Equipment Co., Three Rivers, MI

Monoxivent Sales Rep:
Marshall & Wells

Original Contact:
Dave Timmerman, Owner Fillmore Equipment

New Store Contact:
Matt Henckel, Agricultural Service Manager

Dave Timmerman, from Fillmore Equipment Co, needed a solution to vent John Deere equipment he sells and services at his new location. Timmerman needed to capture the exhaust while avoiding overhead cranes. In the past mechanics would leave flexible hose hanging from overhead spiral and tie it with rope. The crane was not an issue. Timmerman wanted a functional and easy way to use a system to benefit his workers, thus avoiding the blackening of the walls and ceilings in a new facility. Timmerman had visited and admired Monoxivent systems at other locations.

Monoxivent was placed in contact with Matt Henckel (service manager) and best options for the different service areas were laid out. In the main service area Monoxivent chose a (6) PAC-20 articulated crane arms with a hose/balancer package mounted on a custom built track and trolley system at the end of the arm for maximum hose position options. In the assembly room Monoxivent used a 9366-W-TMTR hose reel with a 36′ x 6′ series 4000 hose and a D10 direct mount blower. The crane in that area was used for assembly only. The hose reel was mounted out of the way of the crane operation and was used for exhaust only after the crane was no longer needed. The reel was mounted in the center of the room with enough hose to cover the complete area. With the help of Monoxivent a custom designed solution was provided to Fillmore Equipment.  The solution is functional and easy to use.

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