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Learning Center

Custom Welding Booths and Downdraft Tables Remove Fumes in Learning Center

Monoxivent partnered with S.J. Smith Co. to provide custom welding booths and downdraft tables to remove toxic welding fumes.  S.J. Smith is a regional welding distributor that actively promotes the Monoxivent product line.

An international manufacturer wanted to construct a welding school in their facility where current employees could learn new technologies, as well as update skills. The facility is also to be used for pre-employment testing of potential new hires.

The state-of-the-art learning center features nine paneled welding booths with a custom designed downdraft table in each workspace. Monoxivent was provided a basic concept and from that concept developed and designed a complete system, from the weld booth panels and custom downdraft tables to the dust collector and associated duct system.

The MNX-DDT adjustable downdraft tables featured a foot pedal that allows the user to raise or lower the table to the perfect height for the welder. The feature allows for an ergonomically correct workspace for the welder.

In addition to the downdraft tables, Monoxivent provided: an MNX 24-filter Cartridge Collector with a pulse cleaning system, blast gates, 6000 Series weld-proof hose, 16-gauge powder-coated weld booth steel panels, and panel supports.

The system was installed by Monoxivent’s parent company: Crawford Co.

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